A Bear Cub in a Tree




I know you are thinking I must have made a mistake with this blog’s title.  I was recently editing my pictures from a tour of the Smoky Mountains this past spring and, after going through about 100 bear cub pictures, I came across this shot.  While shooting the bear I noticed the moon was out and this line of clouds went right across,  so I snapped a picture of the moon and went back to shooting the bear.


I have two points or perhaps suggestions to make.  First, don’t be afraid to put your subject in the middle of the frame.  Sometimes it works just fine.  Second, take the time to look around.  You might just be missing a better picture if you are only aware of what’s in front of you.



This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Don, wonderful shot! I call this a gift from Mother Nature and just blogged about this type of shot a few weeks ago.

  2. Thanks very much Josh. I’m going over to your blog now to read your post.

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