How Did I get Here?

I was asked to share the original images that make up this composite:

_DSC0592 2013-02-23-Edit-Edit
















So here are the 9 original files, untouched, raw files. You can see that the images were taken in different times of day and lighting situations, from different perspectives, with different tones. The challenge to composite images is making the final image seem like a single shot, as impossible as it might seem to create.


I have by no means perfected this art form, but am definitely working on it. It takes, like all things you want to do well, lots of practice and patience. For those interested in learning the techniques that can be used for compositing and other adjustments, I am leading two workshops: one is on  Layers and Masks in Photoshop and the other is on Textures and Blending techniques. Click the titles to learn more.



This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Thanks, it makes for sense now that we see what images you used to make the composite image.

  2. Wow! Awesome work, Denise!

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