

On my way down to the Smokies for our Fall Color Tour I stopped along the way to check out some old cars. Most of the cars were in a field with grass almost as tall as me, so I did not get to shoot most of the cars. But I was treated to a tour of the owner’s restoration shop. She commented that some clients are skeptical because the shop is pretty old and not very fancy. I told her I totally understood because some people incorrectly attribute a great picture to the type of camera used. At that point I knew we understood each other.

I think she was skeptical when I said I wanted to shoot this Chevy from the 30’s. After all it’s in primer. But I loved the shape of it and the spot lighting.

By the way I did see one of their completed vehicles and it was beautiful.

I used Topaz Star Effects on the lights.   Check out our discounts page if you think you could use Topaz Products in your workflow.


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